Гуанчжоу, 666 Huanshi East Road, Conghua
Чунцин, No.79 Nanbin Road, Nan'an
Чжэнчжоу, 111 Fengchan Road, Jinshui
Ляньюньган, No.1 Chaoyang East Road, Xinpu District, Xinpu
Учжоу, 48 3rd Xinxing Road, Changzhou
Цзинмэнь, 16 Changning Avenue, Duodao
Фошань, Floor 2, No.28, Le Cong Xin Ma Road, Shunde District, Shunde
Куньмин, Room 602, Tower A, Time Plaza, Jinbi Road, Panlong
Цяньдуннань, Youzhuang Road 18, Kaili
Цяньдуннань, Wenhua North Road 25, Kaili
Тунжэнь, No.35 Yingbin Street, Jiangkou
Шэньчжэнь, Junction Between Construction Road and Longhua Street, Bao'an
Чунцин, No.273,Shuangfeng Road, Yubei
Цзясин, Junctions of Xiexi St. and Anle Rd, Nanhu
Таншань, No.76 Xinhua West Avenue, Lunan District, Lubei
Чунцин, No.6 Yubeiqu Road, Yuzhong
Чунцин, 13 Kaige 1st Branch Road, Huixing Street, Yubei District, Yubei
Ухань, 671 Xiongchu Avenue, Hongshan District, Hongshan
Чжэнчжоу, No.168 Nanyang Road, Huiji
Чанша, No.100 Zhongshan Road, Furong
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