Чанчунь, Xiantai Avenue 959, Erdao
Сюйчан, Yingchang Avenue, Weidu
Аньшань, 9 Six Dao Street, Tiedong
Тяньцзинь, No.189 Nanjing Road, Heping District
Шэньчжэнь, No.1011 Middle Shangbu Road
Вэньчжоу, Qianqicheng Building 7, Liushi Town, Yueqing
Сямынь, 88 Qiancunpu Road, Siming District
Хайкоу, 18 Peace Ave., Haidian Island
Хуаншань, No.31 Huashan Road,Huangshan,Anhui Province
Шэньчжэнь, 1019, Hua Qiang Bei Road
Сиань, No.8 Xiagu Avenue, Lintong District
Сиань, No.199,North Street, Lianhu District
Чэнду, Huashuiwan Town, Dayi County
Лицзян, Mizhou East Road 16
Чжуншань, 19 Longchang Road, Dongsheng Town
Чжэньцзян, No. 80 East Zhongshan Road
Хух-Хото, 119 Hulun Road South
Сиань, South part of Yan Ta Road
Синьсян, 461 Jin Sui Avenue
Чунцин, 206 Zhi Gang Avenue
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